Comprehensive Eye Care
Harborside Eye Specialists perform a variety of tests to evaluate how healthy your eyes are. Comprehensive eye care includes screening for diseases, genetic disorders, eye focusing, eye movement testing and visual clarity. If you have a medical condition, such as diabetes, additional testing may be done. If any problems are found, we will work with you to quickly and effectively restore your eyes’ health.

Minimally Invasive Cataract Treatment
We use state-of-the-art, minimally invasive cataract treatment procedures that have huge advantages, including less risk and quicker recovery. This needle free procedure completely eliminates many potential sight-threatening complications, such as puncturing the eye or injuring the artery or optic nerve behind the eye. It also eliminates the risk of serious damage to the retinal circulation by a pressure device placed over the eye after injection.
Specializing In Enhancing your vision without glasses or contacts.
Vision correction procedures include
- Laser Surgery
- Glaucoma Evaluation & Treatment
- Macular Degeneration Treatment
- Eyelid Reconstruction
- Diabetic Eye Care

Contacts and Glasses
You will receive an accurate eye exam by our caring professionals to discuss your preferences and needs.
We have a large variety of high-quality, affordable frames to fit your unique style and personality.
For contact lens wearers, we carry most major brands.
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Drs. Zusman, Levy, Jose Siri, Dr. Solano
We are proud consultants of the Tampa Bay Rays
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